Dr Bernard Zeevaert
Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R)
As a physical and rehabilitation specialist, he uses musculoskeletal ultrasound as a supplement to his clinical examinations. During the past ten years, he acquired expertise in ultrasound at several training centers, including Dynamecho. The ultrasound study of peripheral nerves is one of his passions, and he has published a number of articles and scientific communications on the subject. He regularly performs ultrasound-guided injections in his private practice.
His University of Liege education includes physiotherapy since 1989 and medical expertise since 2013. Additionally, he holds a degree in myology from the University of Paris VI. In the medical imaging technologist section of the Haute Ecole de la Province de Liege, he teaches osteoarticular pathology. Over the course of his career, he has held various positions of responsibility as a physician specialist in physical medicine, both in hospitals and at universities